Wiggle: Get 29% Off from Wiggle deal

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Wiggle: Get 29% Off from Wiggle deal
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Wiggle is a European online sports retailer selling cycling, running, swimming and outdoor equipment and apparel. It is located in Portsmouth, UK. The company is part of the WiggleCRC group, which also includes Chain Reaction Cycles.

Why is Wiggle so cheap?
Products like Ribble=, PBK, Totalcycling, and Wiggle charge far less than RRP for one simple reason. In the case of Ribble, this is because they are a wholesaler, trading under the name Cyclesport North. Ribble is just their retail arm. So when they sell it at a 20% discount, they still get the full profit.

Why is Wiggle called Wiggle?
They chose the name Wiggle because they didn’t know anything to sell and didn’t want to be tied to anything. They must have had no idea there was an Australian pop band called the Wiggles when they took the name.

Where is Wiggle located?
Wiggle is a European online sports retailer selling cycling, running, swimming and outdoor equipment and apparel. It is located in Portsmouth, UK.

Who are Wiggle’s competitors?
The other five competitors in the top 10 are sigmasports.com (685.4K visits in October 2023), merlincycles.com (704.0K visits in October 2023), ripplecycles.co.uk (2023 The number of visits in October 2019 was 456.7K) and leisulelakesbikes. com (225.3K visits in October 2023) and bikester.co.uk (164.7K visits in October 2023).