Zavvi: Get 22% Off from Zavvi deal

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Zavvi: Get 22% Off from Zavvi deal
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Zavvi: Limited Time Savings

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Zavvi: Limited Time Savings
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Coupon 20% discount on all games

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Coupon 20% discount on all games
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About Zavvi
Online entertainment retailer Zavvi was founded in 2007 and sells globally and in the UK. The site sells film, TV, games and music products from brands including Lego, Nintendo and Hasbro. Shoppers can also find fan-favorite series from Marvel, DC Comics, Disney, Star Wars and Harry Potter. You can buy everything from board games to consoles, music memorabilia, homewares, statues, clothing, and more.

Great deals on cars, trains, outdoor toys and other play sets for the whole family. Browse Zavvi purchases by product, category or brand and discover a huge range of products. Maybe you’re looking for gaming gadgets or gadgets, iconic movies like Back to the Future and Jurassic Park, or just looking for gift ideas. Whether you’re shopping for tech or exploring clothing and accessories, it’s fun to browse everything Zavvi has to offer.

When will I receive my refund from Zavvi?
Refunds will be processed within 72 hours of receipt by Zavvi. Refunds may take up to five business days. Zavvi will notify you via email when your refund has been approved. If 10 or more business days have passed since you received this email, please contact our customer service team directly.

Do I have to keep the original packaging when returning my product?
Yes, they did. There is no problem getting a refund for items you no longer need. However, they must be returned in new condition and original packaging. So be very careful when opening the package or don’t risk opening everything and not getting your money back if you change your mind.

Is there anything I can’t buy using a Zavvi discount code?
Some items are not usually included in Zavvi coupon codes. These electronic products include game consoles, headphones and headsets, pre-ordered games, related merchandise and any other items available for sale. Some brands including Star Wars and Pop Vinyl may also be excluded. So be sure to check the conditions.

Where are all the Zavvi offers?
A very quick and easy way to see where there are Zavvi promo codes, deals or deals available at any given time (besides looking here of course) is to visit the Zavvi Discounts and Coupon Codes page on their website, which each promotion has A clear description and its expiration date. You can also read the terms and conditions to know exactly how to take advantage of the offer.

Is there a limit to the amount I can save using Zavvi promo codes?
The amount you can save with Zavvi discount codes is limited, the general rule is: limit is £1 for every 1% off. For example, a 10% discount means a discount of no more than £10, a 20% discount means a discount of no more than £20 on the order. Sometimes there are codes that violate this general rule and either there is no upper limit or the rule does not apply. However, these situations are explained in the General Terms and Conditions. Always check the conditions.

Is there a Zavvi app? What are its benefits?
Yes, the Zavvi app is available for download in the App Store and Google Play. Be the first to hear about new products, get exclusive offers and enjoy 24/7 customer service.

Do I have to sign a Zavvi supply contract?
If your goods are of high value or large in size, a signature is required. If the package is not collected, the courier will leave a note explaining the next steps to change the delivery date.

What delivery options are available with Zavvi?
Standard delivery costs £1.99 and takes place Monday to Sunday. Your order will arrive within 3-5 business days. If you want a faster service, next day delivery costs £5.99 and is available 7 days a week. All you have to do is place your order before 11pm the night before. There are some zip code restrictions, but you can search for them during checkout.